山梨医科大学雑誌 第1巻2号 051-058(1986)



抄 録:ヒトの淡蒼球の動脈に見られる偽石灰沈着は,内膜肥厚を引き起こし,淡蒼球梗塞の主因となる。いわゆる偽石灰をエネルギー分散型X線分光器で分析すると,血管壁に沈着したものと,脳組織のそれとは若干成分を異にし,前者には必ずカルシウムと燐が,またほとんど常に鉄が認められ,マグネシウムや亜鉛も高頻度に含まれていた。後者においては鉄の比較的な濃度が高く,カルシウムと燐は少なく,まったく認められないこともあった。また硫黄やアルミニウムが含まれる頻度が高かった。したがって,血管壁のそれはカルシウム・鉄沈着症と呼ばれるべきで,脳実質のいわゆる偽石灰とは区別されるぺきであろう。カルシウム・鉄沈着は,動脈中膜の壊死平滑筋細胞,その周囲や内弾性板周囲に増加した基底膜様物質に生じていた。したがってその成り立ちを異栄養性石灰沈着症と理解できる。内膜肥厚は,沈着症が軽度の場合,軽い細胞・線維性肥厚であったが,その原因は軽度な内腔の拡張と考えられる。沈着症が顕著になると,高度な内膜水腫が高頻度に認められたが,金属沈着に先行した中膜筋細胞の壊死や基底膜様物質の増加などが血管壁内組織液流の停滞を起こし,それが内膜病変の原因であると考えたい。

キーワード 脳内動脈,偽石灰沈着

Pseudocalcification and Associated Intimal changes
in the Human Cerebral Arteries

Yoji Yoshida

Twenty brains from autposy cases aging from 25 to 83-years-old were examined by light and electron microscopy, histochemical methods and electron probe microanalysis. Electron dense granular substances were deposited in both cell debris of necrotized medial smooth muscle cells and basement-membrane like substance augmented around them and along the internal elastic lamellae. Microanalysis revealed the presence of calcium and phosphorus in the deposits of vessel walls regardless their size or localization; iron, magnesium and zinc were sometimes detected. Aluminum was found in only one out of 9 vascular deposits. There were some differences in clements of deposits betweeen in vessel walls and nervous tissues. Calcium was not found in some of the latter but iron was always deposited. Sulfur and aluminum were more often found in deposits of the nervous tissue than in those of the vessel walls. The deposits of the vessel walls in the globus pallidus might be termed calcinosiderosis, due to dystrophic calcification, instead of pseudocalclfication. A remarkable increase of basement-membrane like substance in the media and intima, and necrosis of medial smooth muscle cells in the involved vessels resulted in structural disarrangement that affected intraarterial fluid perfusion. These changes might have caused an accumulation of edematous fluid in the subendothelial tissues and intima, leading to edema and proliferative activity of intimal smooth muscle cells.

Key words: Intracerebral artery, Pseudocalcification


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