山梨医科大学雑誌 第10巻4号 125-135(1995)



抄 録:予防医学上重要な領域である喫煙対策において,個々の素因に適合した1次予防の方策を探ることを目的とし,肺癌発生と関連があるとされる CYP1A1遺伝子型が,喫煙習慣や血液学的検査所見にどのような影響を及ほしているかを某製造業事業部の男性社員391名を対象に検討を行い,以下の結果を得た。
(1) CYP1A1遺伝子型と喫煙習慣には,統計学的に有意な関連はみられなかった。
(2) 喫煙者においてVal対立遺伝子をもつ個体の白血球数はVal対立遺伝子をもたない個体の白血球数に比べて有意に増加していた。
(3) 重回帰分析において,喫煙者の白血球数に CYP1A1遺伝子型および1日喫煙本数が有意に影響を与えていた。また,CYP1A1遺伝子型と赤血球数,ヘモグロビン量,ヘマトクリット値,MCV,MCH,MCHCに有意な影響を与えていなかった。

キーワード チトクロームP450(cytochrome p450),CYP1A1(CYP1A1),遺伝子多型(gene polymorphism),喫煙習慣(smoking),白血球数(blood white cell)

Effects of Cytochrome P-450 1A1 (CYP1A1) Gene Polymorphism on Smoking Habit
and Hematological Findings

Shin-ichi Shinozaki, Zentaro Yamagata, Sumio Iijima, Akio Asaka

Measures to control smoking comprise important field of preventive medicine. To clarify inethods for primary prevention of lung cancer applicab1e to individual differences in susceptibility, the effects of genotypes of CYP1A1, which are considered related to lung carcinogenesis, on smoking habit and hematological findings were evaluated in 391 healthy males.
(1) No correlation was observed between the genotypes of CYP1A1 and smoking habit.
(2) The white blood cell count in smokers with a Val allele was sigllificantly higher than that in those without a Val allele.
(3) Multiple regression analysis showed that the genotype of CYP1A1 and daily cigarette consumption had significant effects on the white blood cell count in smokers. The genotype of CYP1A1, however, had no significant eftect on the red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, MCH or MCHC.
There have been no previous reports on the relationship between the genotype of CYP1A1 and hematologial findings. In consideration of the epidemiogical findings that many individuals with increase white blood cell counts have cancer or cardiac diseases, and reports that the increase in the white blood count is associated with poor respiratory function, the white blood cell count may be a risk marker that can contribute to prevention of these diseases.

Key words: cytochrome p450 1A1, gene polymorphism, smoking, hematological findings, leukocyte count


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