山梨医科大学雑誌 第10巻4号 137-160(1995)


宮川 寛

抄 録:東京地区一企業の電気通信産業従事者を対象とし,1. 過去31年間の肺結核の罹患率の推移,2. 最近7年間に発見された肺結核症例像の発見動機別比較と定期健康診断の効果,3. 職場の定期健康診断による肺結核患者発見の費用と便益の3点を検討した。患者の発見方法は胸部間接X線撮影による職場の定期健康診断,または有症状による発見である。肺結核の罹患率は男女とも1960年より減少を続け,1980年前後に最低となったが,以後減少速度の鈍化または再上昇傾向が見られた。発見動機別比較では,健診発見例(約80%)は症状発見例(約20%)に比べて軽症例が多く,休職日数が有意に短かかった。職場の定期健康診断による肺結核患者発見の費用と便益は,費用が年間6,590万円,便益が年間3,760万円で費用が便益を上回っており,費用便益比(便益/費用)は0.57であった。以上の結果から,肺結核が職域において現在でも頻度の高い疾患であること,健診発見例は症状発見例に比べて軽症例が多く,休職日数が短かった点で定期健康診断の効果があることが確認された。しかし現行の定期健康診断の方法では費用便益性が悪いことが明らかとなり,胸部間接X線写真を主とした定期健康診断にかわる,より効率的かつ費用便益性の高い発見方式を考えるべきであることが示された。

キーワード 職域,肺結核,罹患率,定期健康診断,費用便益性

An Epidemiologic Study of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Workplace
- Incidence, Case Profiles and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Radiologic Screening -

Hiroshi Miyagawa

An epidemiologic study of pulmonary tuberculosis among NTT workers in the Tokyo area was performed. Positive cases were found by radiologic screening or clinical symptoms. The following three issues were investigated :
1) Annual change in incidence over 31 years (from 1960 to 1990) by gender and age.
2) comparison of case profiles by detection method in the recent seven years and the usefulness of radiologic screening.
3) Cost-benefit analysis of radiologic screening.
The results were as follows.
1) The incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis decreased smoothly from 1960 to 1980, then plateaued and a tendency toward increase was suspected in males in their twenties, thirties and forties.
2) cases detected by radiologic screening were milder and the term of absence from the workplace was shorter in these cases than that in cases detected by clinical symptoms.
3) Cost of radiologic screening was 65,900,000 yen/year and the benefit was 37,600,000 yen/year. The Cost-benefit ratio (benefit/cost) was 0.57.
These results show that pulmonary tuberculosis is still a frequent disease among workers and radiologic screening is useful for shortening the term of absence from the workplace due to pulmonary tuberculosis. However, considering the cost-benefit ratio, the present radiologic screening system is not an efficient method and a more appropriate method for pulmonary tuberculosis screening should be organized.

Key words: Workplace, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Incidence, Radiologic Screening, Cost-benefit anarysis


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