山梨医科大学雑誌 第11巻1号 009-013(1996)



抄 録:骨粗鬆症の予防には,食品から十分量のカルシウムを摂取する必要がある。しかし,日本人のカルシウム摂取量は栄養所要量に達しておらず,ここ数十年間ほとんど変化していない。カルシウム摂取量を増加させるための栄養教育上,個々のカルシウム摂取量の把握が重要である。とくに,臨床の場での栄養教育では簡便な栄養調査法が必要とされている。

キーワード 栄養調査,栄養教育,骨粗鬆症,カルシウム

A Useful Questionnaire for Estimating Calcium Intake during Nutritional Counseling

Toshihiro Miyamura and Akio Asaka

Adequate calcium intake from food is necessary to prevent osteoporosis. calcium intake in the Japanese population has not yet reached an adequate level and has remained almost constant for several decades. For nutritional counseling to promote calcium intake, an estimation of individual calcium intake is very important. Simple method of estimating calcium intake is, in particular, necessary in clinical situations.
In this study, we added a quantitative question concerning the average one day milk consumption to the usual qualitative intake frequency investigation. We developed a formula for estimating calcium intake using the qualitative as well as quantitative items above mentioned such as:
Estimated calcium intake = 357.844
+ 0.555×(frequency score for dairy products)×(average daily milk consumption)
+ 64.027×(frequency score for eggs)
- 61.779×(frequency score for meat)
+ 56.361×(frequency score for fish)

Key words: nourishment investigation, nutritional counseling, osteoporosis, calcium intake


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