山梨医科大学雑誌 第13巻3号 083-088(1998)

Th2 Response and Granuloma Formation to Eggs of
Schistosoma japonicum in Mice

Jun-Qi YANG, Kachio TASAKA, Cheng-Kuo CHUANG, Hideshi YOSHIKAWA, and Yasuo NAKAJIMA

Abstract: BALB/c, C57BL/6, C3H/He and ddY mice were injected i.v. with 10,000 eggs of Schistosoma japonicum to induce pulmonary granuloma formation. All mice were sacriticed two weeks later. The size of granulomas in the lungs and the cytokines secreted from the spleen cells of the four strains of mice were compared. IL-3, IL-4 and IL-6 were detected in the supernatants from 3-day cultured spleen cells in all strains of mice. The spleen cells restimulated with the soluble egg antigen of S.japonicum produced significantly higher levels of the above three cytokines than unstimulated cells. C3H/He was the highest, while BALB/c was the lowest responder to the eggs. IL-2, IFN-γ and TNF-α were undetectable in all strains of mice. The size of pulmonary granulomas was similar among the four strains. This suggested that the Th2 (T helper type 2) response could be induced to the eggs of S.japonicum in the four strains of mice.

Key words: Schistosoma japonicum, granuloma, cytokine, Th1, Th2.


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