山梨医科大学雑誌 第16巻4号 093-103(2001)

<総 説>
Microscopic Fluorescence Resonance
Energy Transfer 測定法の原理と問題点

村田 晋一,望月 邦夫,中沢 匡男,
近藤 哲夫,中村 暢樹,加藤 良平

要 旨:蛍光染色は,特異性に高くかつ高感度であることから,様々な組織細胞化学や分子生物学の研究に用いられてきた。蛍光特性の1 つでFluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)は,適切な2種類の蛍光分子ペアが100Å以下の距離に近接した時に生じるエネルギー移動であり,その解析は,2つの分子の相対的位置関係,すなわち距離と方向性についての様々な情報を与えてくれる。近年,このFRETを顕微鏡下で視覚化するユニークな解析法,Microscopic FRET法が,細胞内の様々な生理活性物質の局在や相互作用をオングストローム単位で解析できる手法として注目を浴びている。しかし,顕微鏡下では,FRET の測定に様々な制約があるのみならず,細胞内は光学的に多様であるために,FRET の発生に際して,複雑な蛍光現象が起こっていると考えられる。本稿では,緩衝液に溶解されたDNA と細胞核内DNA 上で起こるFRET 現象を,蛍光強度と蛍光寿命の測定の二面から解析した結果を踏まえ,Microscopic FRET 法の原理および問題点を提示する。


Microscopic Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer on Nuclear DNA

Shin-ichi MURATA, Kunio MOCHIZUKI, Tadao NAKAZAWA, Tetsuo KONDO,
Nobuki NAKAMURA and Ryohei KATOH

Abstract: DNA fluorescence dyes have been used to study DNA dynamics, chromatin structure and cell cycle analy-sis. However, most microscopic fluorescence studies of nuclear DNA have been using the steady state approach and have not taken advantage of additional information content of the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). FRET is the transfer of the excited-state energy from the initially excited donor to an acceptor. As FRET efficiency de-pends
on the distance between donor and acceptor, microscopic FRET is a useful technique used for quantifying the distance between donor and acceptor in the cells. However, microscopic FRET measurements can suffer from several causes of distortion, which include fluorescence cross talk and the dependence of FRET on the concentration of donor and acceptor. We used frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime measurement as well as the steady state ap-proach to study the spatial distribution of DNA-bound donor (Hoechst 33258: Ho )and acceptor (7-aminoactino-mycin D: 7-AAD )on nuclear DNA. Additions of the 7-AAD acceptor resulted in a spatially non-homogeneous de-crease in fluorescence intensity and the lifetime of the Ho-stained nuclei. The spatially dependent phase and modulation values of Ho in the presence of 7-AAD, also showed that the Ho decay becomes non-exponential.

Key words: fluorescence resonance energy transfer, fluorescence lifetime, microscopy, cell cycle, DNA


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