山梨医科学雑誌 第18巻3号 061-065(2003)


堀 越 徹,渡 辺 新,橋 爪 和 弘,橋 本 幸 治,貫 井 英 明,梅 田 貴 子

要 旨:外傷性頚部症候群2例に対し,腰椎硬膜外自家血注入法(EBP)を施行した。症例1は,事故後12年間遷延する頭痛,頚部痛,四肢しびれ感,耳鳴,視力低下を訴える65歳,女性で,EBP後,痛みとしびれが消失した。症例2は,2年間続く頭痛,頚部痛,左上下肢しびれ感,耳鳴を訴える29歳,女性で,EBPにより,痛みが消失した。2例とも,頭部および脊椎MRI上,有意な所見はなかったが,RI脳槽撮影で,RIの早期膀胱貯留を認めたため,髄液の漏出があるものと考えた。難治性の外傷性頚部症候群では,潜在性の髄液漏も考慮する必要があると思われる。

キーワード 低髄液圧症候群,硬膜外自家血注入法,外傷性頚部症候群

Two Cases of Whiplash Associated Syndrome Successfully Treated with Lumbar Epidural Blood Patch

Toru Horikoshi, Arata Watanabe, Kazuhiro Hashizume, Kouji Hashimoto,
Hideaki Nukui, and Takako Umeda

Abstract: We reported 2 patients with whiplash-associated syndrome who were successfully treated with lumbar epidural blood patch (EBP). A 65-year-old woman suffered for more than 12 years from headache, nuchalgia, numb-ness of the limbs, tinnitus and visual disturbance following a traffic accident. After EBP, her headache, nuchalgia, and numbness completely disappeared, however, both tinnitus and visual disturbance remained. A 29-year-old woman had headache, nuchalgia, tinnitus and numbness of the left extremities. Her pain was relieved rapidly after EBP but tinni-tus and numbness continued. Neither patient showed definitive abnormalities of intracranial hypotension or other le-sions on magnetic resonance images of the head and cervical spine. However, early detection of the urinary bladder on RI cisternogram was demonstrated 1 hour after the intrathecal injection of 111 In-DTPA. This finding suggested leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the spinal dural sac. We should be aware of possible CSF leakage in patients with long-lasting headache and related symptoms after traffic accident.

Key words intracranial hypotension, epidural blood patch, whiplash associated syndrome


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