山梨医科大学雑誌 第2巻3号 095-102(1987)

Incidence and Prognostic Significance of Postoperative
Complications Demonstrated on CT after
Brain Tumor Removal

Akira Fukamachi, Hidehito Koizumi, Hideo Kunimine, Ryoichi Kimura
and Hideaki Nukui

Abstract: We surveyed the computed tomographic (CT) findings in 273 patients who had undergone 301 craniotomies for brain tumors to determine the incidence and clinical outcome of the postoperative complications demonstrated on CT. The frequencies of medium-sized or large postoperative lesions were as follows: intracerebral hemorrhage, 11% of 301 operations; subdural fluid collection, 8%; brain edema, 6%; extradural hemorrhage, 4%; cerebral infarction, 3%; ventricular enlargement, 3%; intraventricular hemorrhage, 2%; chronic subdural hematoma, 1%; porencephalic cyst, O.7%; tension pneumocephalus, 0.7%. In association with these complications, poor outcomes (deaths) developed with the following frequencies: intracerebral hemorrhage including an association with other types of hemorrhage, 4% (deaths, 2%) of 301 operations; cerebral infarction, 1% (deaths, 0.7%); brain edema, 0.7% (deaths, O.7%); simple intraventricular hemorrhage, 0.3% (no deaths); tension pneumocephalus, 0.3% (no deaths). From these results, we conclude that medium-sized or large intracerebral hemorrhage, massive cerebral infarction and edema have a grave clinical significance in the postoperative course of patients with brain tumors.

Key words: Postoperative complication, Brain tumor, Computed tomography


深町 彰,小泉英仁,国峯英男,木村良一,貫井英明

 脳腫瘍開頭手術後合併症のうちCTで認識しうるものについて,我々の経験例からその頻度と臨床結果を検討した。術前・術後CTの行われた301手術を対象とした。中等大以上の術後病変の頻度は,脳内出血11%,硬膜下液体貯溜8%,脳浮腫6%,硬膜外出血4%,脳梗塞3%,脳室拡大3%,脳室内出血2%,慢性硬膜下血腫1%,孔脳症0.7%,緊張性気脳症0.7%であった。Severe disability,植物症および死亡からなる臨床結果不良例の頬度は,以下のようであった(括弧内は死亡例の頻度を示す)。すなわち,301手術例中,脳内出血4(2)%,脳梗塞1(0.7)%,脳浮腫0.7(0.7)%,単独脳室内出血0.3(0)%,緊張性気脳症0.3(0)%であった。以上のことから,脳腫瘍患者の開頭手術管理上,とくに脳内出血,脳梗塞,脳浮腫は重篤な結果を来しやすいことを確認した。このうち脳内出血例は,より大きな出血,鞍上部腫瘍(とくに下垂体腺腫)摘出腔内出血,他の頭蓋内出血(くも膜下出血,脳室内出血または硬膜外出血)を合併した出血が臨床結果を不良にしていた。

キーワード 術後合併症,脳腫瘍,X線コンピューター断層撮影


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