山梨医科大学雑誌 第2巻3号 119-123(1987)



抄 録:全生活史健忘を呈した38歳の男性例を報告した。病前の社会適応は比較的良好であったが,離婚,生活の破綻. 自殺企図,失業,再就職,出向,病気,怪我といった葛藤が長期間にわたり持続する状況に置かれた末に遁走と全生活史健忘を呈した。完全回復に先行する部分健忘期において,自己の家族構成について歪曲された生活史の想起がなされた。

キーワード ヒステリー性健忘,遁走,自己同一性

A Case of Psychogenic loss of Personal Identity

Yoshitomo Takahashi

Psychogenic loss of personal identity is a rare psychological disorder. Although about forty such cases have been reported in Japan, there have been few reported cases of hysterical amnesia associated with a change of personal identity.
A thirty-eight-year-old male developed fugue and hysterical amnesia after he had been subjected to an accumulation of conflicting situations such as divorce, suicide attempts, unemployment, finding another job, transfer to another company, disease, and injury. He recalled a distorted personal history in a state of partial amnesia before complete recovery from amnesia.
By comparing this case with others experienced by the author and those previously reported, the change of identity accompanying hysterical amnesia was discussed. Hysterical amnesia may be one way in which a patient can abandon his own personal history and restore himself. It is also suggested that amnesia may develop as an alternative to suicide or psychological suicide, and serve as a defence mechanism against the suicidal impulse.

Key words: Hysterical amnesia, Fuge, Personal identity


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