山梨医科大学雑誌 第2巻4号 159-163(1987)

Coronary Artery Spasm during Epidural Plus
General Anesthesia

Satoshi Kashimoto, Eiji Kitagawa and Teruo Kumazawa

Abstract: We present a case of coronary artery spasm during epidural plus general anesthesia. A 71-year-old man was scheduled for pancreatoduodencctomy. A continuous thoracic epidural block was perfornled at the Th 10-11 interspace and general anesthesia was maintained with enflurane and nitrous oxide in oxygen. Thirty minutes after the start of the operation, hypotension occurred suddenly and the ECG showed elevation of the ST segment, widening of the QRS complex and occasional ventricular premature beats. These changes resolved abruptly without treatment. The same episodes occurred both 1 hour and 30 min before the end of the operation, and were considered to be caused by coronary artery spasm. We used a continuous nitroglycerin infusion to prevent the coronary vasospasm. No further episodes of the coronary vasospasm occurred. It is uncertain that the coronary spasms in this patient were due to the hyperventilation or epidural anesthesia.

Key words: Anesthesia, Coronary spasm, Nitroglycerin


樫本 温,北側恵史,態沢光生


キーワード 冠動脈スパスム,麻酔,ニトログリセリン


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