山梨医科学雑誌 第20巻3号 049-055(2005)


明 石 興 彦,大 澤   宏,吉 井 新 平,
多 田 祐 輔,松 本 雅 彦

要 旨:【目的】現在大動脈弓部手術における補助手段として,超低体温循環停止法,順行性選択的脳灌流法,持続的逆行性脳灌流法などが主に用いられているが,未だ確立された方法はない。われわれは間歇的逆行性脳灌流法を導入し,良好な臨床成績を得ている。今回,本法の有用性を実験的に検討した。
【方法】家兎24 羽を循環停止群,持続的逆行性脳灌流群,間歇的逆行性脳灌流群,対照群の4 群に分類し,近赤外線分光法による脳組織酸素化率(SdO2)の持続測定,および実験後の脳組織内水分含有率により比較検討した。
【結果】SdO2 比率(循環停止直前値からの比率)は,間歇的逆行性脳灌流群が持続的逆行性脳灌流群より低下しにくい傾向を示した。復温時のSdO2 比率の最高値も,間歇的逆行性脳灌流群が持続的逆行性脳灌流群より有意に高値を示した(p < 0.01)。脳組織内水分含有率は,持続的逆行性脳灌流群に比べ間歇的逆行性脳灌流群が低値を示した。


Intermittent Retrograde Cerebral Perfusion is an Effective Means of
Cerebral Protection during Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest

Okihiko AKASHI, Hiroshi OSAWA, Shinpei YOSHII, Yusuke TADA and Masahiko MATSUMOTO

Abstract: Although continuous retrograde cerebral perfusion (CRCP) has been widely used, postoperative transient brain dysfunction sometimes occurs due to continuously elevated intracranial pressure. We have introduced intermittent retrograde cerebral perfusion (IRCP) and experimentally evaluated its cerebroprotective effect.
[Methods] Twenty-four rabbits were divided into control (n = 6), hypothermic circulatory arrest (HCA, n = 6), CRCP (n = 6), and IRCP (n = 6) groups. Circulatory arrest (at 20 °C) was done for 45 min in the HCA group, and for 90 min with CRCP or IRCP followed by 30 min rewarming in the CRCP and IRCP groups, respectively. IRCP was repeated at 50 ml/kg with blood drainage into a reservoir and returned via the maxillary vein. The cerebral tissue oxygen saturation (SdO2) was monitored using near-infrared spectroscopy and the tissue water content was measured after the experiment.
[Results] During circulatory arrest, the median SdO2 ratio (SdO2/pre-HCA SdO2) was 0.51, 0.64, and 0.73 in the HCA, CRCP, and IRCP groups, respectively. The SdO2 ratio at rewarming was significantly higher in the IRCP (1.03) than in the CRCP (0.86) group. The cerebral tissue water content was 77.4%, 79.8%, and 78.2% in the control, CRCP, and IRCP groups, respectively.
[Conclusions] IRCP provides higher oxygenation for cerebral tissue, reduces cerebral edema, and is superior to CRCP for cerebral protection.

Key words: retrograde cerebral perfusion, hypothermic circulatory arrest, thoracic aortic aneurysm, Near Infrared Spectroscopy, cerebral edema


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