山梨医科学雑誌 第22巻2号 021-025(2007)

再発性下肢静脈瘤の1 例

緒 方 孝 治,石 本 忠 雄

要 旨:静脈うっ滞性皮膚病変は,難治性で治療に難渋することが多い。その一因として,不全穿通枝の関与が指摘されている。治療には,表在静脈の逆流の阻止とともに,確実な不全穿通枝の処理が必要で,なおかつ,皮膚病変部に直接切開を加えない配慮も必要と思われる。今回再発性下肢静脈瘤に合併した静脈うっ滞性皮膚潰瘍の症例に対し,内視鏡下筋膜下穿通枝切離術(SEPS)を併用することで良好な結果を得たので報告する。症例は52 歳男性。左下腿皮膚潰瘍で当科を受診した。2 年前に左下肢静脈瘤に対し,大・小伏在静脈のストリッピング術の既往がある。左下腿背側に小円形の潰瘍を認め,その周囲は脂肪皮膚硬化症の状態であった。エコーでは,残存小伏在静脈の逆流と下腿の硬化した皮膚の下に不全穿通枝を認めた。下肢静脈瘤再発および静脈うっ滞性潰瘍と診断し,小伏在静脈根部の部分切除およびSEPS を行った。7 週間後,潰瘍は痂皮化し軽快し

キーワード 内視鏡下筋膜下穿通枝切離術,静脈うっ滞,皮膚潰瘍,下肢静脈瘤

Management of Stasis Ulcer and Lipodermatosclerosis of the Lower Leg Associated
with Recurrent Varicose Vein Using Endoscopy Assisted Surgery: A Case Report


Abstract: Management of leg ulcers and dermatitis caused by venous insufficiency is difficult and sometimes frustrating. Incompetent perforating veins are thought to be a major cause of the ulcers and dermatitis. Elimination of reflux in superficial veins and eradicating of incompetent perforating veins are requirements for therapy, which should be pursued without incisions of the affected skin. We report a case in which stasis ulcer and lipodermatosclerosis of the lower leg associated with a recurrent varicose vein was managed successfully by surgery assisted with endoscope. A 52-year-old man who had undergone surgical stripping of varicose left great and short saphenous veins 2 years ago presented with an ulcer and lipodermatosclerosis of the left lower leg. Ultrasonography showed reflux in the remnant portion of the short saphenous vein and incompetence of perforating veins underlying the area of lipodermatosclerosis. Direct resection of the short saphenous vein-remnant and subfascial endoscopic ligation of perforating veins were performed. The ulcer healed 7 weeks after the procedure. Ability of endoscopic techniques to eradicate incompetent perforating veins without incising the affected skin was important in obtaining a favorable result.

Key words: subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery, venous stasis, skin ulcer, varicose vein


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