山梨医科学雑誌 第22巻4号 079-083(2007)


伊 從 敬 二,有 泉 憲 史,緒 方 孝 治,
橋 本 良 一,中 島   孝

要 旨:虚血が原因と考えられる膝関節屈曲拘縮肢に血行再建術を行い歩行が可能となった症例を経験した。症例は55 歳の女性で糖尿病と虚血性心筋症の既往を認めた。3 年前より左足部の安静時痛や潰瘍を認め閉塞性動脈硬化症と診断され薬物治療が行われていた。改善と悪化を繰り返し入院時には左足部の潰瘍と左膝関節の屈曲拘縮のため歩行不能であった。動脈造影では左総腸骨動脈から浅大腿動脈が閉塞し,右腸骨動脈に多発性狭窄を認めた。これに対して左腋窩動脈―左大腿深動脈バイパス(人工血管)とグラフト―左膝下膝窩動脈バイパス(自家静脈グラフト)を行った。術後,安静時痛は改善しリハビリが可能となり潰瘍も治癒した。膝関節伸展制限は術前−70 度であったが3 ヶ月後には−30 度まで改善し歩行が可能となった。拘縮肢への血行再建の報告はほとんど無く効果も知られていないが,本症例では血流障害が改善し痛みが軽快したことから,リハビリが可能となり拘縮が軽快し,歩行も可能となったと考える。


Bypass Surgery for Critical Limb Ischemia with Flextion Contracture of the Knee

Keiji IYORI, Kenji ARIZUMI, Koji OGATA, Ryoichi HASHIMOTO and Takashi NAKAJIMA

Abstract: We report a case of dysbasia due to flexion contracture of the knee joint caused by critical limb ischemia. Bypass surgery followed by rehabilitation enabled the patient to walk. The patient, a 55-year-old woman with a history of diabetes mellitus and ischemic cardiomyopathy, had suffered from ulcer and rest pain of the left foot, and had been treated with medication for 3 years. Upon admission to our hospital, she was unable to walk because of flexion contracture of the knee joint. The extension limitation of the knee joint was ?70 degrees. Angiography demonstrated occlusion of the left common iliac artery to superficial femoral artery. A left axillary artery - left deep femoral artery bypass using a ePTFE graft, and the graft - distal popliteal artery bypass using an autogenous vein graft were performed. The rest pain and ulcer were subsequently resolved, and the extension limitation decreased to ?30 degrees after rehabilitation. She got to walk 3 months after the operation. We consider that the continuous pain in the foot had caused contracture of the knee joint. The bypass surgery had relieved this pain, and subsequent rehabilitation had helped to ameliorate the contracture, enabling the patient to walk.

Key words: Contracture of knee, Bypass surgery, Critical limb ischemia


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