山梨医科学雑誌 第23巻4号 109-124(2008)

<原  著>
合理的N 因子診断にむけた原発性非小細胞肺癌転移陽性縦隔

高 橋   渉

要 旨:目的:原発性非小細胞肺癌の転移陽性縦隔リンパ節を詳細に分析し,適切な病期診断,予後評価,治療成績向上に寄与する因子を探る。
対象・方法:当院でND2 以上の郭清術を施行し,pN2 と診断した原発性非小細胞肺癌53 例(扁平
上皮癌20 例,腺癌32 例,大細胞癌1 例)を対象とした。術前CT 検査によるN 因子陽性率を組織
型別に評価し,転移陽性2 群リンパ節178 個について対照群と形態学的・組織学的・免疫組織化学的に比較・分析を行った。
結果: N 因子陽性率は扁平上皮癌で45.0 %,腺癌で24.2 %と低値であった。縦隔リンパ節の短径にのみ,転移陽性群と陰性群に有意差がなかった。転移陽性リンパ節でのB cell の増殖性とfollicularhyperplasia は有意にみられ転移陽性を示唆する所見として有用である。sinus histiocytosis は癌細胞の曝露をうけた可能性のあるリンパ節として診断に役立つ。
まとめ:現状の短径を基準としたCT 診断には限界がある。しかし縦隔リンパ節の免疫組織化学的
反応の応用により,正確な予後評価ができ,集学的治療に生かされ,長期予後や治療成績の向上に つながる可能性がある。

キーワードpN2 非小細胞肺癌,CT 診断,N 因子,系統的リンパ節郭清,予後評価

Morphological Histological and Immunohistochemical Study of the Metastatic Mediastinal Lymph Nodes to
Determine the Prognostic Significance of N2 Disease in Primary Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Abstract: I reviewed 53 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), 20 squamous cell, 32 adeno and 1 large cell carcinoma, surgically treated and pathologically diagnosed as pN2. The accuracy of the conventional preoperative staging, based on the short axis diameter of lymph nodes measured by computed tomography (CT), was evaluated. Then I performed immunohistochemical studies, which consisted of the studies on dendritic cell appearance, B cell proliferation and follicular hyperplasia (FH), T cell proliferation and paracortical hyperplasia and macrophage sinus histiocytosis (SH), on 178 mediastinal nodes with metastasis. The results were compared with 207 nodes without metastasis and also 129 benign nodes obtained by autopsy after non-cancer death.
The sensitivities of the lymph metastasis by CT in squamous cell and adeno carcinoma were only 45.0 and 24.2%, respectively. B cell proliferation and FH were statistically commonly observed in the nodes with metastasis that could be considered as a positive sign in detecting micro-metastasis. SH was observed in NSCLC lymph nodes with or without metastasis, that would be useful to detect the nodes previously exposed to cancer cells.
In conclusion, the limitation of the conventional preoperative staging was demonstrated. The immunohistochemical approach as well as histological study should be conducted to manage the postoperative patients with NSCLC properly.

Key words: pN2 non-small cell lung cancer, computed tomographic diagnosis, N factor, systematic lymph node dissection, prognostic evaluation


