山梨医科大学雑誌 第3巻1号 021-027(1998)


藤森 功,山田俊彦,内田 實,後藤 領,

抄 録:扁桃摘出術の適応を決定する際,術前の口蓋扁桃の細菌学的検査で病原菌,特にA群β溶血レンサ球菌(以下溶レン菌)が検出されるか杏かは重要な指標の1つになっている。しかし術前,術後の比較において,咽頭細菌叢がどのように変化するか細菌学的に検討した報告は少ない。そこで我々は慢性扁桃炎等で口蓋扁桃摘出術の適応とされた52症例(4-44歳)を対象に,これら患者に対し,術前に扁桃および咽頭,術後に咽頭の細菌検査を施行した。その結果以下のような成積が得られた。

キーワード 慢性扁桃炎,扁桃摘出術,細菌学的評価,A群β溶血レンサ球菌

Bacteriological Evaluation of the Pharyngeal Flora in the Patients
who Underwent Tonsillectomy

Isao Fujimori, Toshihiko Yamada, Minoru Uchida, Rei Goto,
Yuichiro Ohishi, Harumi Kanoh, and Yoshihiko Murakami

A bacteriological examination of the throat flora before and after tonsillectomy was performed in 52 patients with chronic tonsillitis (4-44 years of age). Before the operation,α-streptococci and Neisseria species, as components of the normal flora, were detected less frequently compared with the normal human throat, whereas group A β-hemolytic streptococci and other pathogenic micro-organisms were more frequently isolated than in the normal human throat. After the operation, on the other hand, α-streptococci and Neisseria species had increased whereas the pathogenic organisms had decreased. These pre- and postoperative differences in micro-organisms were statistically significant. In the group A β-hemolytic streptococci positive patients who exhibited normal flora postoperatively, there was an inverse correlation between α and β-hemolytic streptococci. The results suggest that some α-streptococci were inhibited of the growth of group A β-hemolytic streptococci.

Key words: bacteriological evaluation, chronic tonsillitis, group A β-hemolytic, streptococci, tonsillectomy


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