山梨医科大学雑誌 第3巻1号 035-038(1998)

Management of Anesthesia during Tracheal Resection
in a Patient with Tracheal Tumor

Masanobu Manabe, Ryoichi Hashimoto, Takaharu Miyaji,
Teruo Kumazawa, and Akira Ueno

Abstract: We anesthetized a 59-year-old patient with a tracheal tumor. The tumor was approximately 3.5 cm at maximal diameter, and it arose from the left posterior wall of the middle trachea, making near total tmcheal occlusion.
A small suction catheter was insinuated past the tumor into the trachea so that the patient could be ventilaed.
Aneshesia was maintained with 50% nitrous oxide and 1-3% enflurane administered through the catheter, before the resection of the tracheal tumor.
While the trachea was opened, the anesthetic gas was administered across the operative field from two anesthesia machines attached separately to to endobronchial tubes in the main bronchi.
After reconstruction of the trachea, ventilation was maintained through the nasotracheal tube.
During anesthesia the PaO2 value was good. We think it is important to have close perioperative communication between the surgeon and anesthesiologist.

Key words: adequate ventilation, airway obstruction, tracheal tumor


真鍋雅信,橋本良一,宮地隆治,熊沢光生,上野 明


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