山梨医科大学雑誌 第4巻1号 001-009(1989)



抄 録:顎関節症は歯科口腔外科に於て遭遇頻度の高い疾患であり,しかもその患者数は最近,増加傾向を示している。本症の発症には歯牙,咬合に関連した外傷性因子が強く関与しているが,最近の軟かい食物にかこまれた食環境を反映して顎関節を含む咀嚼システムの弱体化が指摘されている。我々はその背景をなす顎関節形態の変化について以下の検索を行った。下顎頭形態と歯牙咬耗との関連性をナイジェリア人ヨルバ族の有歯顎健常人の下顎頭X線像ならびに日本人古人骨(縄文人,弥生人)と現代人の頭蓋骨標本を対象に検討した。その結果,ナイジェリア人と日本人古人骨の両者において下顎頭の機能的適応による形態変化がみられ,その程度には歯牙咬耗度との関連性がみられた。

キーワード 顎関節症,下顎頭,形態的変化,機能的適応,歯牙咬耗

Background on the Exciting Cause of Temporomandibular Arthrosis
- Morphological change and Adaptation of the Mandibular Heads -

Masatoshi Ohnishi

We investigated the relationship between occlusal wear and morphological change in the mandibular heads using clinical data on Nigerians and data on the skeletal specimens of ancient Japanese, Jomon men and Yayoi men. Our study results suggested that morphological change in the mandibular heads appears to be one of the functional adaptations of the masticatory system and this adaptation is carried out well in Nigerians and ancient Japanese. Because temporomandibular (TM) arthrosis is really rare among Nigerians, the same situation can be made of ancient Japanese, who had similar characteristics in their masticatory system those of Nigerians. A comparative radiographic study of the morphology of the mandibular head of the TM joint was carried out in modern Japanese taking the above mentioned results in consideration. The study found that 71% of the 97 cases affected with unilateral arthrosis of the TM joint showed differences between the joints on the right and left sides, however, such differences were found in 16% of 85 healthy subjects. Approximately, two-thirds of the 71% of unilateral TM joint arthrosis showed a large change on the unaffected side. Thus, this syndrome may easily appear in joints on the side when adaptation is slow.

Key words: Temporomandibular arthrosis, mandibular head, morphological change, functional adaptation, dental wear


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