山梨医科大学雑誌 第4巻2号 083-087(1989)

Adenomyoma of the Common Bile Duct
- Report of a Case -

Yoshiro MATSUMOTO, Masatoshi MOGAKI, Hidehisa AOYAMA,
Takayoshi SEKIKAWA, Katsuhiko SUGAHARA, Koichi SUDA,
and Masayuki FUJINO

Abstract: Adenomyomas in the extrahepatic bile duct are extremely rare. In a 75-year-old male with acute cholangitis due to adenomyoma forming a protruding lesion in the terminal bile duct, pancreatoduodenectomy was carried out, resulting complete cure.

Key words: Adenomyoma of the common bile duct, Early bile duct cancer, Obstructive jaundice


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