山梨医科大学雑誌 第4巻2号 099-105(1989)


大月佳代子,大西正俊,古屋 修

抄 録:上顎歯肉癌治療後の口蓋半側欠損症例(72歳,男性)に対する義顎の維持装置として,私供は,最近入手し得た純チタン製スパイラル人工歯根(Chercheve,仏)を使用し,義顎の装用性に良好な結果を得た。

キーワード 純チタン製人工歯根,上顎義顎,顎顔面補綴,顎顔面欠損,補綴的修復

Prosthetic Reconstruction of Maxillary Defects after Surgical Excision of Maxillary Tumor
- A case of Titanium Spiral Dental Implants applied as the Retainer
for Maxillary Prosthesis -

Kayoko Ohtsuki, Masatoshi Ohnishi and Osamu Furuya

We report prosthetic reconstruction for a patient with maxillary defect after surgery of malignant maxillary tumors.
The patient was a 72-year-old male who underwent total resection of the right maxilla following by radiotherapy and chemotherapy under the diagnosis of the right maxillary gingival carcinoma (T3 N1 M0). These treatment procedures produced right maxillary defect.
Because the residual tooth could not be used as a retainer, three titanium spiral implants were embedded in the left maxilla. These increased the stability of the new maxillary prosthesis.

Key words: titanium spiral dental implant, maxillary prosthesis, maxillofacial prosthetics, defect of maxillofacial area, prosthetic reconstruction


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