山梨医科大学雑誌 第4巻4号 149-165(1989)


尾形 均,内山 暁

抄 録:近年の悪性リンパ腫の治療は飛躍的に進歩している。その基礎は急激に進行し予後の悪いaggressive lymphomaが抗癌剤の多剤併用により根治可能になったことによる。
 それに対し緩慢な経過をとる indolent lymphomaは長期経過観察で,どのような治療でも予後に差を認めないこと,又,再発を繰り返して11年位で aggressive lymphomaへ移行し,生存率が低下することが明らかにされた。
 そのために aggressive lymphomaに“histological conversion”するまで無治療で経過観察する“watchful wait”approachが採用され,それでも予後に影響がないことが確認された。
 本稿では,この2つの typeの非ホジキンリンパ腫の治療に関して現在までの研究を概観し,本邦における現在の問題点について考察を加えた。

キーワード aggressive lymphoma,indolent lymphoma,化学療法,放射線治療

Treatment of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Hitoshi Ogata, Guio Uchiyama

Remarkable advance has recently been achieved in the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The aggresive lymphoma, acutely progressive and of which prognosis is always poor, has become curable with combined administration of anticancer agents. To expect the cure of this type of lymphoma, complete remission should necessarily be achieved. The rate of recurrence in the group with complete remission has become known to be always invariable. These findings showed the way we should follow. In order to increase the rate of cure, we have to increase the number of cases with complete remission. On the other hand, the indolent lymphoma, of which course is always chronic, has made no difference in prognosis despite any kind of treatment strategy. With several recurrences, in 11 years or so, the survival rate of this type has become lower than that of the aggressive lymphoma. The fact has made us to adopt the "watchful wait" approach to the indolent lymphoma without any treatment until it has made "histological conversion" into the aggressive type. Prognosis has been proved making no difference with this approach. This paper deal with the treatment of these 2 types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma reviewing recent historical research works and by discussing problems to be solved especially in Japan.

Key words: aggressive lymphoma, indolent lymphoma,


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