山梨医科大学雑誌 第5巻1号 035-040(1990)



抄 録:1983年10月の開院より1987年12月まで4年3力月間に,我々は心疾患合併妊娠12症例13妊娠12分娩を経験した。分娩数について同期間の分娩総数1795例の0.67%にあたる。
 心疾患12症例の内訳は,先天性疾患5例,WPW症候群を含む不整脈4例,その他が3例であり多岐にわたっていた。母体平均年齢は29.9±4.5(M±SD)歳,心疾患については内科あるいは外科にて入院治療していたものは4例であった。また,12の分娩症例を NYHA心機能分類にて分類すると妊娠初期から分娩時にかけての変化においてI度->I度が6例,II度->III度が3例,I度->IIIが1例(原発性肺高血圧症),II度->III度が1例(肥大型心筋症),II度->I度が1例であった。13妊娠のうち心不全のために初期妊娠中絶例(NYHA III度)が1例,分娩は12例(帝王切開4例,経膣分娩8例このうち鉗子分娩は3例)であった。ちなみに NYHA心機能分類が悪化した2症例は帝王切開となった。12分娩例のうち早産は3例(25%),light for dates児出産は1例(8.3%),新生児仮死は1例(8.3%),新生児死亡及び奇形合併は0例,高ビリルビン血症は2例(17%)であった。
 以上,適性な管理を行えば,NYHA I度とII度の心疾患合併妊娠は帝切率,鉗子分娩率は上昇するものの母児の予後は一般妊娠と変わりないことを確認された。

キーワード 心疾患,妊娠,分娩

Analysis of Pregnancies Complicated with Cardiac Disease

Yuji Nakamura, Yukio Imanishi, Kohji Yoshida, Toshihiko Kinoshita, Takehiko Yasumizu,
and Junzo Kato

Thirteen pregnancies and 12 deliveries of 12 patients with cardiac disease from October 1983 to December 1987 were reviewed. The 12 deliveries accounted for 0.67% of the 1795 deliveries during this time. Most of the patients were in New York Heart Association Functional class 1 but 5 patients were in class 2, and 2 patients were in class 3 at their first visit to the out-patients clinic. The meah (±SD) age of the patients was 29.9±4.5 years. Four patients were required hospital ration. The mode of delivery was normal spontaneous vaginal delivery in eight (41.7%), forceps in three (25.0%), and cesarean section in four (33.3%). The mean blood loss during vaginal deliveries was 341±137 ml. The mean duration of the labor was 18.0±9.2 h0urs in nulliparous, and 9.98±0.88 hours in multiparous both values being in the normal range. Three babies (25.0%) at less than 37 weeks' gestation, but their birth weight were all approprlate for dates. Only one baby (8.3%) was light for her gestational age. There were no perinatal deaths or congenital malformations.

Key words: cardiac disease, pregnancy and delivery


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