山梨医科大学雑誌 第5巻2号 121-133(1990)



抄 録:顎骨嚢胞の治療法として,従来,嚢胞腔容積の小さいものでは閉鎖療法が,大きいものでは開窓療法が選択されてきた。しかし,筆者は,1983年12月より1988年11月までの5年間に当科で経験した顎骨嚢胞のうち,本来ならぱ開窓療法が適応と考えられるような大きな嚢胞について,その摘出後に生じた骨欠損を多孔性の人工骨ハイドロオキシアパタイトで補填し,死腔をなくして縫合する閉鎖療法を行ない,その長期経過を観察した。

キーワード ハイドロオキシアパタイト,人工生体材料,顎骨嚢胞,開窓療法(Padsch I法),閉鎖療法(Partsch II法)

Clinical Study on the Application of Hydroxyapatite Ceramics for the Treatment of Jaw Cysts

Kayoko Ohtsuki

Cysts of the jaw has been managed by marsupialization (Partsch's method I) or closed tlierapy (Partsch's method II) depending on their size. The closed therapy can be selected when the cystic space volume is small. However, when the volume is large, the open therapy has been indicated, often resulting in a complicated therapeutic course. In our clinic a closed tberapy was performed between 1983 and 1988 on 22 cases of large cysts, which would usually warrant the instition of marsupialization, by implanting hydroxyapatite ceramics into the bone defects resulting from removal of the cysts. Of the 22 cases, postoperative infection occurred in only 3, one mandibular and two maxillary cysts. The present procedure is considered to be highly useful in the treatment of jaw cysts, promising a charge in the established made of therapy.

Key words: hydroxyapatite ceramics, artificial biomaterial, cyst of the jaw, marsupialization (Partsch's method I), closed therapy (Partsch's method II)


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