山梨医科大学雑誌 第5巻3号 163-171(1990)


牧野ふみ子,山口 哲,山本哲也,塚原重雄

抄 録:原発開放隅角緑内障,低眼圧緑内障等は無自覚で進行するため,病院統計ではその実態の把握が困雑であり,住民検診の必要がある。今回われわれは,全国規模で行なわれた緑内障住民検診の一環として,玉穂町住民40歳以上を対象に検診を行なった。

キーワード 緑内障,疫学調査

A Glaucoma Survey in Tamaho, Yamanashi
- One of the nationwide collaborative epidemiological study of glaucoma covering seven areas in Japan -

Chitoshi Fujimori, Shigeki Yamabayashi, Motohiro Hosoda, Yuzou Katou, Fumiko Makino,
Satoshi Yamaguchi, Tetuya Yamamoto, and Shigeo Tsukahara

We conducted an epidemiological study of glaucoma in 1639 people over the age of forty residing in Tamaho, Yamanashi, as a collaborative study covering seven areas in Japan, in which a two-stage screening procedure was used. In the first stage, conducted during 1988 and 1989, refractometry, visual acuity testing, non-contact tonometry, slit lamp examination, and non-mydriatic fundus photography were carried out; the second stage included applanation tonometry, automated perimetry, gonioscopy, and detailed fundus examination.
In the first stage, out of 1639 objects living in Tamaho, 1248 persons were examined, and a response rate of 76.2% was achieved. One hundred and forty-seven persons with positive primary screeaing criteria were found, on the basis of nationally unified standard. In the second stage, 133 out of them were re-examined, that is, 90.5% response rate, and 85 (155 eyes) were diagnosed as having glaucoma or suspected glarucoma including ocular hypertension. The overall frequency of glaucoma in Tamaho was 2.72% including 1.800% low-tension glaucoma, 0.48% primary open-angle glaucoma, 0.38% primary angle-closure glaucoma, 0.84% ocular hypertension, and 0.08% capsular glaucoma. Frequency was found to increase with age.
It should be emphasized that all except three cases were diagnosed with glaucoma for the first time by this survey, indicating that there are many undiagnosed glaucoma patients in Japan.

Key word: glaucoma survey


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