山梨医科大学雑誌 第5巻4号 201-208(1990)


野沢 出,白倉真人,村上嘉彦

抄 録:聴性脳幹反応(Auditory Brainstem Response,以下ABRと略す)は音刺激により誘発される聴覚伝導路由来の脳波であり,1970年にJewettらにより報告されて以来,他覚的聴力検査及び脳幹部の神経学的検査として臨床的に広く活用されている。

キーワード 聴性脳幹反応,他覚的聴力検査,難聴,スクリーニング,神経学的検査

The Clinical Study of Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
- A 5-Year Experience with 273 Patient -

Mayumi Imamura, Shunichi Imamura, Youko Sudou, Izuru Nozawa,
Masato Shirakura, and Yoshihiko Murakami

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) to a click in 273 patients (147 males and 126 females) who visited our clinic over a 5-year period was recorded in order to detect hearing impairment and other neurological abnormalities of the brainstem and CNS. Almost half the patients were under 5, of 152 children; 85 were known to have systemic disorders associated with hereditary and/or congenital disease, including chromosomal aberration, psychomotor retardation, and epilepsy. These patients' recordings frequently showed threshold elevation and prolonged latency. Results showed a high incidence of hearing impairment and/or neurological disorder in the auditory pathway (brainstem) in children with systemic disorders. We consider ABR-testing to be one of the useful screening tests in non-invasive assessment of neurological conditions. ABR examination was also found to be extremely valuable in the detection of early, small acoustic neuroma or the cerebellopontine angle tumors because of its sensitivity and specificity, since in patients with acoustic tumor an interaural wave V latency difference could be detected at an early stage even when pure tone audiometry results remained nearly normal. ABR recording was performed as objective audiometry made sure a diagnosis of functional deafness.

Key words: auditory brainstem response, objective atudiometory, hearing impairment, screening, neurological examination


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