山梨医科大学雑誌 第5巻4号 215-222(1990)


藤巻信也,高野 一,井尻 裕,浅川哲也,

抄 録:臨床的に明らかな器質的心疾患のない促進型心室性固有調律(以下AIVRと略す)の報告は少ない。我々は,器質的心疾患の認められないAIVRの一例を経験したので報告する。症例は37歳女性で不整脈の精査加療を目的として,昭和62年5月28日当科入院した。

キーワード 促進型心室性固有調律,心臓電気生理学的検査,ホルター心電図,ぺースマッピン

A Case of Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm without Overt Organic Heart Disease

Shinya Fujimaki, Hajime Takano, Hiroshi Ijiri, Tetsuya Asakawa, Yuichirou Watanabe,
Sadayoshi Komori, Tetsuyo Yoshizaki, and Kohji Tamura

Accelerated idioventricular rhythm without overt organic heart disease is very rare. A 37-year-old female was admitted because of ventricular arrhythmia on 28th May, 1987.
Standard 12-leads ECG revealed accelerated idioventricular rhythm competing with sinus rhythm. Other examinations, including echocardiogram and right-side cardiac catheterization, were within reference ranges. Ambulatory ECG monitoring showed multiple episodes of accelerated idioventricular rhythm with a rate of less than 100 beats/min. The His bundle electrogram was in the reference range except for a slight elongation of H-V interval (58 msec.). The pace mapping showed that the accelerated idioventricular rhythm arose from the right ventricular outflow tract. Ventricular premature stimulation up to double extrastimuli did not induce ventricular tachyarrhythmia. The patient has been followed up without medication.

Key words: accelerated idioventricular rhythm, cardiac electrophysiological study, holter monitoring, pace mapping


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