山梨医科大学雑誌 第6巻2号 097-103(1991)

Inhibitory Effects of Neomycin on Phospholipase A2 Occur at
Concentrations Lower than Those Requirbd for Inhibition of
Phosphofipase C

Yuki JINNAI, Yutaka YATOMI, Yukio OZAKI, Toshitsugu KARIYA, and Shoji KUME

Abstract: Neomycin is known to inhibit phosphlipase C (PLC) by binding to inositol phospholipids. In the present study, in human platelets, the minimum doses required for inhibitory effects appeared to differ dependent on the platelet responses tested, shape change being especially resistant to the inhibitory effects of neomycin. In contrast, phospholipase A2 activation was inhibited at concentrations of neomycin lower than those required for PLC inhibition. These findings provide evidence for the concept that neomycin acts at a level distal to the agonist-receptor interaction and at some steps other than PLC inhibition, since neomycin would be equally effective on various responses if it interfered with thrombin binding to its receptors.

Key words: human platelets, neomycin, phospholipase C, phospholipase A2


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