山梨医科大学雑誌 第6巻2号 105-115(1991)


石川 徹,江口英雄,三木 修,関川敬義,菅原克彦

抄 録:大腸癌発癌過程における癌遺伝子の役割を検討する目的で,切除大腸癌34病変について,ras-p21の発現と臨床病理学的因子との関係を検討したところ,再発症例では高率にrasの発現が認められた。癌の組織型別にみると分化度の違いによる発現の差はみられなかった。

キーワード 大腸癌,大腸腺腫,ras遺伝子

Expression of Oncogene in Carcinoma and Adenoma of Colorectum

Toru Ishikawa, Hideo Eguchi, Osamu Mitsugi, Takayoshi Sekikawa, and Katsuhiko Sugahara

Expression of ras was studied immunohistochemically in 34 colorectal carcinomas from 32 patients and in 14 colorectal adenomas from 9 patients, using a monoclonal antibody, NCC-RAS-001, which is purported to recognize the oncoprotein (ras-p21) in paraffin-embedded material.
Ras-p21 was positive in 27 of the 34 carcinomas (79%), all stained uniformly. All carcinomas (100%) from the 11 cases in which recurrence occurred exhibited positive immunostaining for ras, while 14 (67%) of the 21 in which no recurrence occurred exhibited positive immunostaining for ras. There was a correlation between the expression of ras of carcinomas and recurrence rate (p<0.05).
Ras-p21 was positive in 7 of the 14 adenomas (50%). Staining pattern was various, some were stained uniformly, others showed patchy staining. Positive rate in adenoma increased with increasing degree of histological dysplasia; 20% with mild dysplasia, 50% with moderate dysplasia, and 80% with severe dysplasia. Furthermore, adenoma with severe dysplasia showed a staining pattern similar to that in carcinoma.
Ras may be expressed earlier in adenoma before malignant change and that after transformation ras plays some role in the proliferation and invasion.
In conclusion, immunohistochemical staining for the ras-p21 may be useful for prediction of recurrence.

Key words: ras, p21, colorectal cancer, colorectal adenoma


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