山梨医科大学雑誌 第6巻2号 117-125(1991)


駒谷隆雄,内藤照貴,井尻 裕,小森貞嘉,

抄 録:症例は55歳男性である。入院1年前より労作時に胸痛が出現するようになったが放置。平成1年6月10日,胸痛発作出現のため近医に救急入院。心電図にて前壁梗塞が疑われたため,同月28日,精査目的にて当院に転院。心エコー上著明な心室壁肥厚(+)も,201Tl心筋シンチ上欠損(-)。血清M蛋白(IgG λtype)を認め,尿中 B-J蛋白(+)。骨髄所見,直腸生検などよりアミロイドーシス合併多発性骨髄腫と診断。同年8月,第1度房室プロックが出現し,上室性および心室不整脈が頻発,同年9月,3:1房室プロックを伴う上室性頻拍やWenckebach型房室プロックを伴う上室性頻拍,さらに洞停止が出現。同年10月,失神発作出現のためVVIぺースメーカー植込術施行。同年11月28日,うっ血性心不全にて死亡。剖検では,心重量650gで,左心室壁の肥大が著しく,アミロイドの沈着を中小の冠状動脈周囲や心筋間質内に広汎に認めた。本症例における心電図異常はアミロイドの沈着による心筋障害を反映したものと考えられた。

キーワード 心アミロイドーシス,多発性骨髄腫,心筋虚血,心電図異常

A case of Cardiac Amyloidosis Associated with Multiple Myeloma Presenting Various ECG Abnormalities

Takao Koyama, Teruki Naito, Hiroshi Ijiri, Sadayoshi Komori, Kohji Tamura, Fumi Ikeda,
Masatoshi Mogaki, Yoji Yoshida

We report a case of cardiac amyloidosis which resulted from multiple myeloma in a 55-year-old man who was admitted to the hospital because of severe anterior chest pain. ECG suggested anterior myocardial infarction. However, UCG showed no regional wall motion abnormality, but did show thickening of the left ventricular wall. 201T1-scintigram revealed no evidence of myocardial infarction.
Immunoelectrophoresis revealed serum monoclonal M protein (IgG λ) with urinary Bence-Jones' protein. The bone marrow contained 21% atypical plasma cells, and a rectum biopsy demonstrated amyloid deposit.
ECG findings revealed various arrhythmias with deteriorated cardiac function, including first degree A-V block, supraventricular and ventricular premature complexes, two types of supraventricular tachycardia with A-V block, and sinus arrest. Since he complained of fainting, a VVI pacemaker was implanted. However, he died of refractory congestive heart failure.
The postmortem examination comfirmed cardiac amyloidosis. The heart weighed 650g and presented thickened ventricular wall. Amyloid deposition was found in the myocardial interstitium, including that in the periventricular region.

Key words: cardiac amyloidosis, multiple myeloma, myocardial ischemla, ECG abnormalities


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