山梨医科大学雑誌 第7巻3号 123-129(1992)


野沢 出,橋本かおり,霜村真一,菊島一仁,

抄 録:メニエール病143例(確実例94例,疑い例49例)の治療法に関して検討した。性別では,男性61例(42.7%),女性82例(57.3%)で,患側は,右側56例(39.2%),左側70例(49.0%),両側17例(11.9%)であり,発症時の平均年齢は,男性49.3歳,女性44.1歳であった。治療法としては,保存的治療法すなわち薬物療法を原則としておこなった。薬物療法としては,(1) 鎮暈剤103例(72.0%) (2) 代謝賦活剤83例(58.0%),(3) 利尿剤78例(54.5%)の順で投与し,何種類かの薬剤を併用した。最近は主に浸透圧利尿剤であるイソソルビドの単独投与により,良好な治療結果を得ることができた。しかし,回転性めまい発作がコントロールできず,反復する症例に関しては,薬液鼓室内注入療法を施行した。4%塩酸リドカイン注入療法は,男性8例,女性8例に施行し,16例中14例(87.5%)は,コントロール可能であったが,2例は不良であり,それらの症例に対して,硫酸ストレプトマイシン1gを1回鼓室内注入し,回転性めまい発作はコントロールされ経過は良好である。めまいの治療にあたっては,十分な病状説明をし,患者との接触をしながら経過を観察していくことが一般的な治療方法とともに最も大切なことであると思われた。

キーワード メニエール病,保存的治療

An Eight Year Evaluation of the Conservative Treatment for Meniere's Disease

Izuru Nozawa, Kaori Hashimoto, Shin-ichi Shimomura, Kazuhito Kikushima, Mayumi Imamura,
Shun-ichi Imamura, Ken-ichi Hisamatu, and Yoshihiko Murakami

We evaluated the effectiveness of conservative management for 143 patients with Meniere's disease who were treated in our clinic from October, 1983 to June, 1991. The patients consisted of 94 confirmed and 49 suspected cases according to the evaluation criteria of Japan committee of Meniere's Disease Study Group.
The results were as follows:
1) Of these 143 patients, 61 males and 82 females, an average annual number of new patients with the disease who visited our clinic was 15.9 cases. Unilateral involvement of the disease was 88.1% and bilateral 11.9%, and the average age of onset of the disease in these cases was 49.3 years in males and 44.1 years in females.
2) Antivertiginous agents were most frequently given to the patients (72.0%), followed by diuretics, vasodilators, multivitamins, sedatives and others. These drugs were administered to the patients alone or in combination.
3) Sixteen patients were treated with intratympanic injection of 4% lidocaine solution, among whom episodic vertigo was well controlled in 14 patients. The remaining 2 patients who failed to respond to these therapeutic measures were suecessfully treated with intratympanic instillation of streptomycin sulfate solution.
4) We thought it was very important to have a good correlationship with patients in order to do the long-term follow up of the vertiginous attacks.

Key words: Meniere's disease, conservative management.


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