山梨医科大学雑誌 第8巻2号 085-091(1993)


浅香昭雄,松井一郎,斎藤高雅,鈴森 薫,
池本卯典,印牧富郎,長江浩幸,室生 昇,
久米章司,小山 巌

抄 録:日本では,各自治体の長が敬老の日に通常100歳以上の老人を訪間して,その長寿を祝う習わしがある。1992年には女性の100歳以上長寿者が3330人あり,この中に1組の100歳双生児姉妹がいた。この双生児は多くの遺伝マーカーによって1卵生双生児と診断された。健康診査により同年齢の者に比べて,極めて良好な健康状態であることが明らかになった。この理由としてバランスのとれた食事,規則正しい3回の食事摂取,十分な睡眠,毎日30分の運動等にみられる良好な生活習慣,ふたりに共通にみられる強い性格,ふたりのよい意味でのライバル意識などによると考えられた。

キーワード 1卵性,双生児,百歳,生活習慣,長寿

Centenarian Twin Sisters in Japan

Akio Asaka, Ichiro Matsui, Takamasa Saito, Kaoru Suzumori, Shigenori Ikemoto,
Tomiro Kanemaki, Hiroyuki Nagae, Noboru Muro, Shoji Kume, and Iwao Koyamma

In Japan, the heads of municipal governments customarily make visits to the aged, usually those over 100-years of age on 'Respect-for-the-Aged Day', Sept. 15th, to celebrate their longevity. In 1992, a total number of 3330 females over 100 years old were reported to be living, among whom were centenarian twin sisters Kin and Gin. 'Kin and Gin' in Japanese means 'Gold and Silver'. After they were introduced in TV broadcast on 'Respect-for-the-Aged-Day', they became TV star idofs all over Japan. We had an opportunity to examine their zygosity and health condition, and to make psychological tests. These twins were proved to be monozygotic by many genetic markers. Health check examinations revealed that they were both quite healthy compared to persons of the same age and were enjoying their longevity. The key to understanding their good condition was considered to be their good lifestyles, their strong personality and good rivalry relationship with each other.

Key words: monozygotic, twins, centenarian,lifestyles, longevity.


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