山梨医科大学雑誌 第8巻3号 125-137(1993)

<原著>阻血・再灌流による肝障害犬の門脈内 endotoxin投与による
動脈血中 tumor necrosis factorの推移と生存率に関する実験的研究

角田 元,板倉 淳,飯室勇二,

抄 録:肝臓手術後の肝不全,多臓器不全(MOF)発生における感染の役割を解明する目的で,イヌ(n=44)を用いて肝阻血モデルを作製し,動脈血中ケトン体比(AKBR),平均動脈血圧(MABP),生存率についてエンドトキシン(Ex)と動脈血中tumor necrosis factor(TNF)の関与を検討した。30分間肝阻血後解放する条件の実験群において,AKBR,MABPの低下後の回復遅延と24時間生存率50%(4/8)が得られ,本実験群は,臨床例における術後肝不全発生の要因とされている肝血流障害から肝不全へのモデルとして適当であると考えられた。この際門脈血中に内因性Exの有意な上昇と動脈血中TNFの出現は証明されなかった。そこでこのモデルを用いてLipopolysaccharide(LPS)100μg/kgを門脈内に投与した。肝阻血の有無では動脈血中TNFの動態,ピーク値に差は認められなかったが,24時間後の生存率は肝阻血群0%(0/6),非阻血群100%(6/6)であった。動脈血中TNFの上昇は死亡率とは相関せず,肝障害の発生にも直接関与していないと考えられた。

キーワード tumor necrosis factor,arterial blood ketone body ratio,阻血・再灌流障害,多臓器不全

Experimental Studies on Survival Rate and Changes in Tumor Necrosis Factor
in Arterial Blood Following Portal Administration of Endotoxin
in Dogs with Ischemia-reperfusion Injury of the Liver

Hajime Tsunoda,Jun Itakura, Yuuji Iimuro, Shingo Inoue, Masayuki Yamamoto,
and Yoshiro Matsumoto

This study investigated the role of infection in hepatic failure and multiple organ failure (MOF) following hepatic surgery. Since tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is produced mainly in the liver macrophages, the relationships between arterial TNF levels and the arterial ketone body ratio (AKBR, acetoaceute/β-hydroxybutylate), mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), endotoxin (Etx.) levels and survival rate were investigated in dogs with ischemia-reperfusion injury of the liver. No significant amouns of portal Etx. or TNF were detected at any interval following ischemia (10, 20, 30 and 60 min) but the recovery of AKBR and MABP after reperfusion was delared relative to the duration of ischemia. Since LD50 was shown in this study by 30-min-ischemia, lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 100 μg/kg) was injected into the portal vein of the 30-min-ischemia models at the beginning of reperfusion. In both the ischemia and the non-ischemia (control) groups, TNF appeared within 30 min after LPS administration, reached the maximum level at 60 min and disappeared by 240 min. No significant difference in TNF levels between the two groups were observed. However, all animals in the ischemia group died within 8 hr, while.all animals in the non-ischemia group survived for more than 24 hr. In conclusion portal inoculation of LPS after ischemia-reperfusion liver injury induced irreversible damage to the liver mitochondrial energy state with no effect on peripheral TNF levels, and TNF expression does not seem to be a primary factor in inducing MOF.

Key words: tumor necrosis factor (TNF), arterial blood ketone body ratio (AKBR), ischemia-reperfusion injury of the liver, multiple organ failure (MOF)


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