山梨医科大学雑誌 第8巻4号 163-180(1994)

Three Indonesian Cases of Intraperitoneal Development of Metastatic
Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Possibly Disseminated
by Spontaneous Tumor Rupture

Masayuki YAMAMOTO, Yoshihiro AKAHANE, Takao AINOTA, Jun ITAKURA, Hiroshi KOHNO,
Kaoru NAGAHORI, Hideki FUJII, Masayuki FUJINO,
Yoshiro MATSUMOTO, and Hiroshi SUZUKI

Abstract: We report 3 Indonesian patients with intraperitonial tumor development possibly caused by spontaneous rupture of hdpatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Each case presented with expansively growing nodular metastatic tumors and all nodules were surgically removed in each case. The first case upderwent lateral segmentectomy in Shanghai, while the second and third cases underwent liver resection for primary HCC in YMU hospital. Although the first case had seven intraperitoneal tumors, ranging from approximately 1 to 6 cm in maximal diameter, together with skin metastasis, the other two cases had a large solitary tumor, covered by the greater omentum; the tumors measured 6.5 cm and 13 cm in maximal diameter, respectively. In the third case, there were no intrahepatic metastases detected. Since this kind of recurrence pattern is very rare among Japanese HCC patients, we report these 3 cases and discuss the present findings on the distribution of HCC recurrence patterns in Japan.

Key words: Hepatocellular carcinoma, Spontaneous rupture, Indonesian, Intraperitoneal metastasis


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