山梨医科大学雑誌 第9巻4号 159-163(1994)

Developmental Effects of Nickel Chloride on Early Mouse Embryos
with or without Static Magnetic Fields in vitro

Sumio IIJIMA, Zentaro YAMAGATA, Toshihiro MIYAMURA, Toshimi 0OMA and Akio ASAKA

Abstract: Developmental effects of nickel chloride (NiCl2) on early mouse embryos with or without static magnetic fields (MF) were examined in vitro. When blastocysts were cultured for six days in NiCl2, the number of embryos hatching from the zona pellucida, attaching to the surface of the culture slide, and formning trophoblast outgrowths was unaffected even at the highest concentration tested. However, the outgrowths were smaller and began to degenerate at higher concentrations. A concentration of 1.6 μg/ml was sufficient to interfere with growing inner cell masses (ICMs); at the highest concentration, ICMs disappeared from the outgrowths. Effects on two-layer differentiation of ICMs, the most sensitive endpoint, were seen at 3.2 μg/ml and were dose-dependent at increasing NiCl2 concentrations.
No developmental effects were seen in any magnetic field (MF)-exposed group without NiCl2. When blastocysts were cultured for six days in NiCl2 with 0.8T of MF, there were no significant differences between MF-exposed groups and MF-unexposed groups at all concentrations of NiCl2 tested.

Key words: Nickel chloride, Magnetic fields, Mouse Embryo, Blastocyst, in vitro


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