山梨大学看護学会誌 第4巻1号 009-014(2005)


土屋 紀子

 クランベリージュースが最近のスーパーマーケットの店頭に出ている。最近になって女性によい飲み物,尿路感染症(UTIs;Urinary Tract Infections)に効果があるなどの内容が記されている。

キーワード: 尿路感染症,クランベリージュース,代替療法,生活習慣病,日常飲用水

Positive Effects of Cranberry Juice on Urinary Tract Infections


 The aim of this study was to examine the benefits of cranberry juice towards the prevention of urinary tract infections. Cranberry Juice has been used to prevent bladder infections in North America for hundreds of years. Native Americans consumed cranberries for their national value (as fruits like blueberries), and also as a medicine to treat bladder and kidney diseases. In Japan, however, the benefits of cranberry juice have yet to be realized.
 In the 1970's, Sobata reported that cranberry juice could prevent urinary tract infections. It was thought that cranberry juice increases the acidity of urine and thus weakens the bacteria that cause urinary infections. Recent research, however, shows that the phenol antioxidants contained in cranberries prevent bacteria from adhering to the inner lining of the urinary tract.
 Previous research illustrates other potential benefits of cranberries. Polyphenolic compounds, contained in cranberries, tomatoes and carrots, prevent tooth decay, urinary spasms, heart disease, and the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to the gastric wall. Antioxidants contained in vegetables and fruits are now thought to reduce the overall risk of cancer. However, some researches have concluded that cranberry juice and its concentrate tablets may increase the risk of nephrolithiasis. Another study showed the relationship between cranberry and poor urine acidity in a patient following urostomy.
 I would however, recommend that everyone drunk a glass of cranberry juice on a daily basis for promoting health.

keywords: Urinary Tract Infections, Cranberry Juice, Alternative Medicine, Unhealthy Lifestyle related Diseases, Daily Beverages

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