山梨大学看護学会誌 第4巻1号 027-033(2005)


新田 静江,望月 紀子,清水 祐子,上村 奈美



Forms and Contents of Notebooks Utilized Between Elderly/families and
Day-Service Providers


 The purpose of this study was to examine the forms and contents of notebooks utilized between elderly/families and day-service providers. The subjects included 50 elderly receiving both day-services and home-health nursing. The data used were photo copies of notebooks written in the past month. At 31 day service agencies, 27 forms of notebooks were utilized. The majority of notes contained closed-ended items and unstructured reports for day-service providers and elderly/family, but not for other service providers. Most families checked items about ADL and wrote their appreciations as well as the general condition and living situation of the elderly at home. Most day-service providers checked items of VS and ADL, and described the general condition and interaction of the elderly during day-services. ANOVA revealed no significant relation between the frequency or length of day-services and the frequency of documentations written by the families. These findings indicate that the forms of notebooks used by day-service agencies vary widely and these agencies utilize them for providing information to the elderly/families, but not for providing or exchanging information among service providers for home health. The study suggests the need to develop a handy notebook to exchange information among the elderly/families and agencies, to educate care providers in order to acquire to the skills necessary for effective documentation, and to use the contents of notebooks as assessment data for a care plan.

keywords: Day-service, Elderly, Family, Notebook

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