山梨大学看護学会誌 第4巻2号 025-032(2006)



<要 旨>
 ハンドマッサージのリラクセーション効果の実証と技法の確立により,看護技術のひとつとして質の保証されたハンドマッサージが実践されることを最終目標として,ハンドマッサージの自律神経活動および気分への影響を検討した。対象は健康な非月経期の成人女性5 名であり,自律神経活動を心拍変動により,また気分をPOMS,および覚醒度とリラックス度についてVASを用いて測定した。その結果,心拍変動は,ハンドマッサージの実施により心臓副交感神経活動が,心臓交感神経活動を抑制して有意な状態になったことを示した。そしてハンドマッサージにより,主観的リラックス感は有意に高まり,人間の情緒を主観的に評価するPOMS の6下位尺度すべてにおいて得点が低下し,「怒り−敵意」「疲労」は有意に低下した。これらのことより,ハンドマッサージにより生理的・心理的にリラクセーションできることがわかった。

キーワード:ハンドマッサージ, リラクセーション,心拍変動,気分

Effects of Hand Massage on the Human Autonomic Nervous System and Mood
in Healthy Women

SATO Tsuyako

 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of hand massage on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and mood in 5 healthy women. This study is composed of 2 tests. In the first test, both hands were massaged for 8 minutes. In the second test, neither hand was massaged, although the masseur sat by the subjects' side for 8 minutes. The test which involved no massage was used as the control. The response of the ANS was evaluated by heart rate variability. Two subjective scales were used. Mood was measured by profile of mood states (POMS), and relaxation and awakening was measured using visual analog scales.
 The major findings of this study as follows: (1) Heart rates significantly decreased during the hand massage; (2) LF/HF significantly decreased during the first half of the hand massage, and increased gradually after that; (3)There was a significant in HF observed between the two tests; (4) POMS scores were taken before and after the test. It was revealed that POMS scores were lower following the massage, especially in the 'Anger- Hostility' and 'Fatigue' categories; and (5) Relaxation levels significantly increased after the hand massage.
 This study would indicate that hand massage promotes parasympathetic nervous system activities, and that hand massage promotes physiological and psychological relaxation.

Key Words:Hand Massage, Relaxation, Heart-rate Variability, Mood

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