山梨大学看護学会誌 第5巻1号 025-030(2006)


山本 由紀,中村美知子

要 旨

キーワード 妊娠中期,体重増加,食事,栄養摂取

Correlation between Dietary Intake and Weight Gain in the 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy


This study investigated weight gain, including total weight, BMI, total body fat, total body water as well as dietary intake and nutritional status to describe the ideal diet in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The results indicate that 1) Weight gain was affected by total body fat more than total body water in the 2nd trimester. 2) Weight gain was related to the intake quantity of energy, protein, fat, water, and salt. 3) Compared with the guidelines of daily dietary recommendations, the subjects had diets low in caloric intake, and carbohydrates, but high in fat and saturated fatty acid. For healthy weight gain and appropriate nutritional balance in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, these results recommended a diet rich in protein and carbohydrates and low in fat. In addition, a diet high in saturated fat like meat and processed foods should be decreased, while increasing a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acid like fish and beans.

Key Words Pregnant Women(2nd Trimester Pregnancy), Weight Gain, Dietary Intakes

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