山梨肺癌研究会会誌 第11巻1号 022-030(1998)


古屋一茂、霜多 広、窪田健司、石原重樹、堤 正夫、大和庸次、椿原基史


Key words:Giant emphysematous bullae、Lung cancer

A case of lung cancer originating at the site of previous bullectomy

Kazushige Furuya, Hiroshi Shimada, Kenji Kubota, Shigeki Ishihara, Masao Tutumi, Youji Yamato, Motofumi Tubakihara

A 41 year-old mas was admitted to our hospital with a complaint of chest pain, on the right. He had a past history of a giant bullae on the upper lobe of the right lung and had undergone bullectomy two years earlier. the histology of the specimen had proven to be negative for malignancy. But 18 months from then, he was found to have an abnormal shadow on the right upper lobe in chest X Ray. Subsequent investigations revealed that to be a mass, and he underwent a right upper lobectomy. Examination of the specimen confirmed the mass to be a tumor of 5.0X1.5X6.0 cms dimension, originating from the right upper lobe, with invasion into the parietal pleura, as the resected pleural margins were positive for malignancy. Histologically the tumor was a large cell carcinoma with mucin. In spite of postoperative chemotehrapy and radiation therapy, the patient died 6 months after the surgery.
many cases of lung cancer associated with giant emphysematous bullae have been reported in the japanese literature. Those cases including ours, insist the importance of through pre, and postoperative check-up of patients presenting with emphysematous bullae, having in mind, the possibility of a carcinoma behind them.


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