山梨肺癌研究会会誌 第9巻1号 015-018(1996)

術後9年目に多発性肺転移をきたした anaplastic ependymoma の1例

大森 司、西村和幸、青野ひろみ、西岡雄一、大久保修一、山崎弘道、小山敏雄、加賀美年秀

Multiple lung metastasis of anaplastic ependymoma in 9 years after the operation
- Case report -

Tsukasa Omori, Kazuyuki Nishimura, Hiromi Aono, Yuichi Nishioka, Shuichi Okubo, Hiromichi Yamazaki, Toshio Oyama, Toshihide Kagami

A case of intracranial anaplastic ependymoma with extracranial metastasis was reported. A 30-year old woman was referred to our hospital for further examination of chest roentgenogram abnormality. She has a past-history or intracranial rumor. Curative operation and radiotherapy(50Gy) had been performed. No relapse ofthe intracranial tumor was found with annual CT and MRI examination. On addition, 9 years after the operation, chest roentgenogram and computed tomography showed multiple tumor lesions on both lungs. Since the pathological findings of the lung specimen were very close to these of the intracranial primary tumor, the lung lesions was diagnosed as extracranial metastasis of anaplastic ependymoma of the brain. Extracranial metastasis of brain tumor is extremely rare. Furthermore, in our case, it is interesting that the late onset of extracranial metastasis in the lung appeared without any relapse of the intracranial primary tumor.

Key words: ependymoma, extracranial metastasis


p. 15 p. 16 p. 17 p. 18
