山梨医科大学紀要 第10巻,029-037(1993)



 医療、保健、福祉の連携活動の成果により、わが国の平均寿命は世界的に見ても最高水準を示すようになった。しかし、近年の少産少死の傾向は高齢者人口の割合の増加に拍車をかけ、それに伴ういくつかの問題をもたらした。最近では、寝たきりとなる高齢者が増加するにいたり、その QOL(quality of life)が問われている。さらに、その原因の第2位を占めるようになった骨粗鬆症に対する関心が高まりつつある。骨粗鬆症のメカニズムは明らかにされつつあるが、その有効な治療法に欠く現時点では予防がたいへん重要な位置を占める。本稿では、骨粗鬆症の予防に関係の深い遺伝的、環境的要因と、寝たきりの原因として重要な骨粗鬆症による骨折との関係について近年の知見を総説する。


Genetic and Environmental Factors for Osteoporosis

Toshihiro MIYAMURA, Zentaro YAMAGATA, Sumio IIJIMA, and Akio ASAKA

Osteoporosis is caused by many factors such as genetic, nutritional, exercise, endocrine, and physical factors, universally affecting the elderly persons all over the world. More than 80 thousand Japanese have fractures related to osteoporosis each year, with attendant pain, deformity, and loss of independence.
The tendency of the elderly to fall is especially one of the important causes of fractures. Although little can be done at present to prevent such falls, important advances have been achieved as to preventing bone loss.
We have to investigate genetic factors for osteoporosis and detect high risk patients, in order to practice the prevention of their bone losses, which should be based on the results of public health studies concerning nutrition, exercise, drinking, smoking and the other individual lifestyles.
It is very difficult to find genetic factors for osteoporosis and effective medical treatments do not exist. Therefore, the prevention should be aimed at controlling environmental factors, such as lifestyles.
In this review we assess the reports of genetic and environmental factors for strategies of preventing bone loss and osteoporotic fractures.


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