山梨医科大学紀要 第12巻,035-040(1995)



 本研究では,対人魅力を,psyche group的なものとsociogroup的なものの2つに分け, Wheatonの結果を検証するとともに,コミェニケーションの量及び認知構造の類似性と対人魅力との関連を探ろうとした。

キーワード:類似ー非類似,対人魅力,psyche group,sociogroup

Similarity-dissimilarty of Attitude in Interpersonal Attraction

Sonoe SHIBUYA and Shozo SHlBUYA

 In earlier analyses of factors involved in generation and regulation of interpersonal attraction using interpersonal attractin as an independent variable, the similarity of attitude has been often reported to lead to the augmentation of interprsonal attraction. However, Wheaton, B.(1974) found that interpersonal attraction could also be sometimes augmented by the disstmilarity. In some other studies, the volume of communication and the similarity of cognitive structure have also been found to favorably influence interpersonal attraction.
 In this study, interpersonal attraction was divided into two categories, a psyche group type and a sociogroup type, to verify the findings of Wheaton and to investigate how the volume of communication and the similarity of cognitive structure were related to interpersonal attraction.
 A survey on members of a club at a certain university confirmed that the larger the volume of communication was, the higher the interpersonal attraction was. Especially for the latter type of interpersonal attraction the similarity as well as dissimilarity of attitude were found to relate to the augmentation of interpersonal attraction.


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p. 40
