山梨医科大学紀要 第13巻,001-006(1996)


大矢正算,井上利男,竹川健一,木戸 啓,西園敏子,山田 正,三ッ国洋一



Two Autopsy Cases of Methamphetamine Poisoning in Which the Abusers Died Shortly after Being Handcuffed

Masakazu OYA, Toshio INOUE, Kenichi TAKEKAWA, Akira KIDO, Toshiko NISHIZONO, Tadashi YAMADA, Youichi MITSUKUNI

 Two autopsy cases of methamphetamine poisoning are reported in which one seemed to have injected, but the other injected and then ingested.
 Case 1 : A 42-year old man struggled in an abnormal state of excitement at a hotel and died shortly after the police handcuffed him for protection. Two packs containing white powder and a syringe were found in the room. On both cubital fossae and the right pretibial region of the deceased scarred needle punctures were seen. Autopsy was performed about 28 hours after death, and the rectal temperature was 34℃. The lungs were severely edematous and congested. The heart was enlarged. Histology revealed cardiac fibrosis and disarrangement of myofibers. By the GC/MS and GC methods the concentrations of methamphetamine(μmo1/100 g) were estimated to be 5.6 in blood, 9.7 in gastric contents, 24.6 in left needle puncture and 11.7 in right needle puncture. The deceased seemed to be a chronic methamphetamine abuser and death was considered to be caused by an overdose injection of methamphetamine.
 Case 2 : A 33-year old man struggled in an abnormal state of excitement outside his car on a road and died shortly after the police handcuffed him for protection. A pack containing white powder and three syringes were lying about under the car, two of which were filled with incompletely dissolved powder and a broken pack. On the right cubital fossa of the deceased two needle punctures with hemorrhage were seen. The pubic hairs were shaven. Autopsy showed severe Pulmonary edema and congestion. The myocardium was almost normal. By the GC/MS and GC methods the concentrations of methamphetamine(μmo1/100 g) were estimated to be 4.6 in blood, 298 in gastric contents and 2.8 in left needle puncture. The deceased was considered to have poorly injected methamphatamine and then swallowed the powder.

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