山梨医科大学紀要 第13巻,018-022(1996)

石川啄木試論 II




An Essay on Ishikawa-Takuboku II
- The Concept of "Absurd Consciousness" -


 At his seventeen, Takuboku Ishikawa withdrew from high school causing troubles of cheating in examination with his own dicision. He made his choice with his pride. The important fact was that he had already expected a "despair future" before his withdrawal from school. His "proud choice" and "despair future" coincided with the concept--"Absurd consciousness", or spiritual conflict--described later by Albert Camus in 1930s. We have a hypothesis that T.lshikawa would have the great "Abusurd" mind. T.Ishikawa tried to escape from his unbearable "Absurd Consciousness" in the way of the "Absurd thinking", or a magic breakthrough as suggested by Camus in order to get "Absurd Liberty". T.Ishikawa had tried his 3 times' "Absurd Escape" in his life. We will discuss how T.Ishikawa got the great "Absurd" mind.


p. 18 p. 19 p. 20 p. 21 p. 22
