山梨医科大学紀要 第13巻,036-040(1996)


森 千鶴



Daily Behavior and Time Perception in Residual Type of Schizophenics

Chizuru MORI

 To clarify characteristics of time perception in residual type of schizophrenics and globe for ways to support them, we conducted a survey ot the patients' daily activities. Target patients for the survey included 20 residual type of schizophrenics, 17 schizophrenics who showred positive symptoms, seven in the mental hospital for disease other than schizophrenia, and 10 alcoholics. The method was to observe and record their behavior for 14 consecutive days. We then compared the average time of day when in various activities. The result indicated that residual type of schizophrenics spent more time sleeping than other type of patients, but less time in leisure or work achvities. We also examined the effects of medication level and duration of institutionalization, but found no correlation. The survey concludes that it is necessary to change support activities for residual type of schizophrenics to allow them greater flexibility and choice in their daily activities.


p. 36 p. 37 p. 38 p. 39 p. 40
