山梨医科大学紀要 第15巻,053-057(1998)


森 千鶴,佐藤みつ子,山田光子,大渕律子,山田晧子



A Study of Depression among Homebound Elderly People and the Psychological Support for Them

Chizuru MORI, Mitsuko SATOH, Mitsuko YAMADA, Ritsuko OHBUCHI and Kouko YAMADA

The study was intended to clarify the relationship between social change and depression among homebound elderly people, including ways to provide them with psychological support. It also examined directionality of mental health care for them.
The targets were 86 aged persons living in Tokyo, Yamanashi, and Yamagata. We conducted a subjective survey of their views about health, the scale of their physicaly problems,mental support, and GDS (Geriatric Depression Scale-short form) summary.
The results showed that 78% described themselves as 'healthy', including the 'pretty healthy', 'very healthy', and 'in the best of health'. The survey included a list of 40 physical ailments, and asked respondents if they suffered from any of them. The 78% describing themselves as 'healthy' included respondents who answered 'No' to 32 or more of the questions about physical ailments. Many of the respondents said they received psychological support from their children, followed by friends and acquaintances. According to the GDS summary, 51.2% are in the normal group while 41.9% are in the depressed group. There is no apparent correlation between GDS summary and mental support. However, there is a clear relationship between physical ailments and depression. This suggests the need of mental health care for homebound elderly people.

Key words :Homebound elderly, Psychological support, Depression, Subjective view of health

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