山梨医科大学紀要 第15巻,058-064(1998)





Family Caregivers・Expectations to Visiting Nurses at the Induction Stage of Home Care

Kumiko DATE

The purpose of this study was to examine the family caregivers' expectations to visiting nurses at the induction stage of home care. The research focused on their expectations varying withti mei nthei nducti onstage. The goal was to find more effective home nursing care.
The subjects of this study were 16 family caregivers who used home nursing at an elderly hospital in Tokyo. They were interviewed at home using the semi-structured-interview guide. The data were collected in one-week, one-month, three-month and six-month intervals after discharge, and were analyzed by using KJ-method.
The following results were obtained.The family caregivers' expectations showed a specific tendency at every point, and changed at each point. When a visiting nurse could respond to their expectations, the family caregivers confided in her.
These results suggest that to gain a family caregiver' s confidence, visiting nurses should respond to their expectations. Thus, responses to their expectations were one of the bases of the trusting relations between a caregiver and a nurse.

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