山梨医科大学紀要 第15巻,097-104(1998)



 入試改革の成果として,6年間でストレートに医師となる者の数が増えるとともに,人間性豊かな将来性のある医師を誕生させることができれば,改革は成功と言えようが,世間では国試(医師国家試験)の合格率を大学教育の1つの評価基準としているので,これを高めることにも無関心ではいられない。そこで,国試と密接な関係のある総合卒試(総合卒業試験)の問の識別性能を点検するため,かつ国試の合否を予測するためのデータ解析システムを開発し,3 年間にわたり改良を加えてきた。本論文では,どのような解析方法並びにコンピュータ・ソフトが開発されたかを紹介し,これらの方法を適用して,94年卒〜98年卒の者を対象に行われた総合卒試のデータを解析した結果を報告する。もし,同様なテストが行われている全国の大学の協力が得られれば,識別性能の高い多数の問をコンピュータに蓄積することによって,すでに米国で行われているような,学生がコンピュータの前に座ってテストを受けるこ


On the Development of the System of Data Analysis for the sake of Enhancing of the Discriminating Power of the Comprehensive Graduation Test(CGT)and Accelerating Its Technical Innovations

Teruaki HIRANO

The reform of the entrance examination may be called a success provided that it results in the increase of the number of medical students who are to go straight on to the doctors in due course of six years and in the birth of promising doctors full of human excellence. However, as the pass-rate of national examination for medical license (NE) is often considered as a landmark in the evaluation of medical education of respective universities,we cannot disregard the elevation of the pass-rate of NE. Therefore, we developed the system of data analysis and endeavored to improve it for the past three years both to examine the powers of discrimination of questions in CGT which has close affinities with NE and, using the particularly discriminated questions, to predict the pass-rate for any student. In this essay, the author introduces what kinds of analytic methods and computer programs were developed, and, applying these methods, presents the results of analyses of the data of CGT for the students who graduated between '94 and '98. In case we can obtain cooperation from many universities where the same tests are given as CGT, by storing in computers a great many questions which seem to serve as the decisive factors to distinguish between the able student and the unable one, it might be no longer a dream that any medical student sits down to the computer and takes the test, as already done in U.S.A.

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