山梨医科大学紀要 第16巻,011-014(1999)



 Computed tomography(CT),endoscopic ultrasonography(EUS),magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)などの進歩による食道癌進行度診断の精度向上により,根治性とQOL(quality of life)の追求が行われている。その結果,内視鏡的に根治可能な粘膜筋板に達しない(m2)までにとどまる表在癌に対しての内視鏡的粘膜切除術(EMR)症例が増加している。また,長時間の手術が安全に行われるようになり,根治性の向上を期待し頸部,胸部,腹部の3領域郭清が広く行われるようになった。また,根治性に関し議論があるが,より低侵襲の胸腔鏡下手術も症例に応じて行われるようになった。一方,補助療法においては放射線・化学療法とも無作為比較試験で予後に差を認める報告はなく,cisplatin(CDDP)と5−fluorouracil(5−FU)を用いた治療法も行われているが,有効な新薬の開発が待たれる。


Current Treatments for Esophageal Cancer

Hidehiko IIZUKA, Takenao IDESAWA, Koji KOHNO,
Hideki FUJII, Tskayoshi SEKIKAWA and Yoshiro MATSUMOTO

 Developments and improvements of diagnostic imaging techniques such as endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have enabled us to determine the precise disease stage of esophageal cancer. So we can choose the proper method of a surgical treatment for esophageal cancer patients according to his disease stage, resulting in getting the better quality of life and complete curability.Especially, endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR)of esophageal cancer has been recognized as a treatment for patients with early esophageal cancer to get a better quality of life, and the three-field lymphnode dissection (dissection of regional lymphnode of the neck, thorax and abdomen) which aquires a better survival rate than the two-field dissection, is done actively as a treatment for patients with advanced esophageal cancer to get complete curability.

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