山梨医科大学紀要 第17巻,006-009(2000)


Trevor William Murphy,山縣然太朗

要旨:近代日本において,宗教家が作った民間ハンセン病救済施設が6つあった(キリスト教系5つ,仏教系1つ)。NGO/NPO(Third Sector)活動であった。仏教系「身延深敬病院」の創設者は,外国人宣教師と違い,海外からの援助等に頼れなく,日本国内で資金集めをせざるを得なかった。その一環として,「十万一厘講」という募金方法を考えたが,結局維持困難であった。当時の日本人の寄付行為特徴が背景にあると考えられた。本論文の主目的は,「十万一厘講」の仕組み・業績・廃止となった理由を明らかにすることである。当時の日本人の寄付行為特徴についても考察し,日本の現状にも触れた。個人による寄付は現在も欧米に比較して少額である。自主的で,行政と切り離れている真のThird Sector 活動が生じにくい状況があると考えられた。

Japanese attitudes to charitable donation
- The financing of a Buddhist leprosarium in the early 1900s -

Trevor William MURPHY and Zentaro YAMAGATA

There were an estimated 30,000 leprosy sufferers in Japan around 1900, possibly many more. Japanese government policy to deal with leprosy commenced in 1907; however, religious- inspired non- governmental (NGO)activity began as early as 1889. There were six private leprosaria in Japan;five were established by Christian missionaries and one by a Japanese Buddhist priest. The lack of Buddhist NGO leprosy relief work may have been due to difficulties with financing (fund- raising). In this paper, I examine the workings and results achieved by "Ju- man-ichi-rin-ko" (a fund-raising scheme adopted at the Buddhist leprosarium)during the period 1906-1912, and attempt to clarify some Japanese attitudes to charitable giving at the time. "Ju-man-ichi-rin-ko", reliant on individual private donation, was in fact difficult to sustain. I go on to look at levels of charitable donation in contemporary Japan (1994); these are low in comparison with the U.S., a fact which is likely to hinder the development of a truly non- governmental Third Sector in Japan.

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