山梨医科大学紀要 第17巻,010-019(2000)


塩澤全司,高橋 昭

向坂兌(1853年4月〜1881年6月)は,明治維新に活躍した日本の法曹界の偉人である。28歳で夭逝したため,現在その名を知る人は少ない。向坂は佐野藩に育ち,明治3年に貢進生となり,大学南校に進み,東京開成学校で学び,学力優秀であった。入江陳重,岡村輝彦らとともに,明治9年に第2回文部留学生として英国に留学し,Middle Templeにて法律を学び,明治12年に英国の法廷弁護士・バリスター(barrister)の資格をとる。その後,ヨーロッパ各国を歴訪し,明治14年5月に帰国したが,肺結核のため,同年6月14日に他界した。夭逝を悼む人が多く,顕彰碑が建てられた。これは戦争で戦火に破損されてはいるが,今も龍巌寺に存在する。向坂兌の姉は「升」といい,名古屋大学第三代学長勝沼精藏の祖母である。升は,夫・精之允が35歳で自害し,息子・五郎が40 歳で遭難死したため,孫の精藏と六郎を養育した。国際的な活躍をし,多くの人々を導いた勝沼精藏は,若くして他界した向坂兌の遺影を大切にしていた。

President Seizo Katsunuma's lamentation for the death of
"Barrister Naoshi Sakisaka"
-His gravestone and Shigetake Sugiura's epitoph-


Naoshi Sakisaka was born on April 27,1853. His grandfather was the famous confucianist,Usetsu Igarashi.His sister Masu was the wife of Seinojo Katsunuma who died at the age of 35. Her grandsons,Seizo and Rokuro Katsunuma, were taken care of her.
Naoshi Sakisaka was adopted by the Sakisaka family of the Sano clan.In the 3rd year of Meiji, he was selected to be a student of Nanko in Tokyo. As he got good marks in school, he was recommended to go to England to study law. In London, he belonged to the Middle Temple and got a barrister license in 1878. Thereafter he worked in several places in Europe. As he had tuberculosis, he returned back to Japan and died on June 14,1881. A tombstone was built in Aoyama and then moved to precincts of Ryugan temple. The inscription on the tombstone was produced by his friends of Nanko, Takezo Takahashi, Shigetake Sugiura, and Arata Hamao.
Seizo Katsunuma was born in 1886. Seizo graduated from Tokyo Imperial University and became Professor of Internal Medicine of Nagoya University School of Medicine, then he became President of Nagoya University. He won the Order of Culture prize in 1954. He died on Nov.10,1963. There were some articles left by Naoshi Sakisaka in Kaminoyama museum. Some letters written by Seizo Katsunuma were in the back of the portrait of Naoshi Sakisaka taken in London. If Naoshi Sakisaka had lived more, he would have gotten a high position in the center of Meiji government like his friends of Norishige Hozumi and Teruhiko Okamura, and Seizo's family would be more peaceful than it was.
President Seizo Katsunuma loved to talk about his great relative,Naoshi Sakisaka.

Key words:Barrister,President Seizo Katsunuma,Naoshi Sakisaka,Gravestone,Ryugan temple.

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